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January 19-27 2013 - North American International Auto Show

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The North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) opened to the public in Detroit on Saturday, January 19th, but the press got a sneak peak at the setup and the rides the previous week. As usual, it was a huge affair with acres of the shiniest new automobiles and concept cars that continuous dusting and buffing can achieve.

The 2011 show seemed like the turnaround year, where an industry that was nearly interred was now walking briskly while whistling past the graveyard, still scared, but slightly further from the wrecking ball of bankruptcy. NAIAS 2012 and especially 2013 showed an increasing vigor, as though being raised from the near-dead no longer included any tissue damage, loss of direction, or diminished mental faculties. It appears that the auto industry is back and running on everything from three to 12 cylinders. 

There has been plenty written about the 2013 NAIAS, including on their own website at, so rather than me droning on, go enjoy the pictures that Detroit Metro Mashup took at this year’s event!